A great session on target selection at BIO "Perspectives on Target Selection: How Companies Approach a Critical Decision", including experienced leaders like Jo Viney, Shelia Violette, and Juliet Williams.
By and large, the panelists agree on a few universally important considerations:
1. Unmet needs
2. Biological or clinical validation
3. Differentiation
Over the last few years working with a number of platform companies on target selection, I haf one key observation: there is a huge performance chasm between those companies that really put a lot thoughts into target selection vs. those winging it. The driving force behind it is how much drug development experiences the management team has.
Surpringly, inexperienced scientific founder isn't necessarily a predictor for poor performance, as long as the founder is humble enough to surround her/himself with right experts from early on. One such example I saw from BIO is the founder and CEO of Bioage Labs Kristen Fortney.
